Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Here's a great site for altering images online, if you don't have access to a simple photo editing tool. It's Snipshot - I really love it because you can just grab your image online, rather than having to download it. Or you can take it from your hard drive if you prefer. You can simply reformat, compress, resize, crop, and adjust the image.

It can even take files as large as 10 Mb which is pretty darned big!

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Friday, September 22, 2006

Here is something interesting to do in Albuquerque.

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Sunday, September 17, 2006


Here are some great organizations, if you are looking for a Church of Scientology in your area.

In Pasadena, visit this Scientology site, about the Scientology Organization there. If you are in other areas around Los Angeles, check out the Church of Scientology of Los Angeles. Or, you might be interested in visiting the Scientology Celebrity Centre, which caters to artists.

If you don't live in the Southern California area, visit Church of Scientology Locator where you can get directed to your nearest organization. You can also join About Scientology an online discussion group about Scientology.

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Saturday, September 09, 2006

What Is Skinnerian Experimentation?

It is a known fact that our educational system has been deteriorating. It hasn't happened over night but has been a rather long and winding road of infiltration and saturation with damaging ideas. For example, in 1964 the Carnegie Corporation appointed Ralph Tyler to be the Chairman of the Committee on Assessing the Progress of Education which later became the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Since 1999 the NAEP has been funded by the federal government and its methods have been widely used across the United States. So what is the significance of the NAEP?

While parents mistakenly believe that the NAEP's "tests" (assessments) reflect their children's academic performance, and so do state legislators who pass legislation to use NAEP as a State test, all these assessments do is track conformity to government-generated goals!

What might those "goals" be? Let's look at an example of the type of programs which have been put into effect to forward such "goals."

In 1965 the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare funded the Behavioral Science Teacher Education Program (BSTEP). Initiated at Michigan State University, it was carried out between 1965 and 1969. Its objective was to change the teacher from a transmitter of knowledge/content to a social change agent/facilitator/clinician. School administrators and teachers alike were appalled at this alteration of a teacher's age-old role from a mere educator to a modifier of behavior.

However, what marked the end of local State control and the beginning of nationalization (and in fact, internationalization) of education in the United States was the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) passed by Congress in 1965. Use of goal setting, Management by Objectives (MBO), Planning, Programming, Budgeting Systems (PPBS), and systems management for accountability purposes would be totally funded by and directed from the Federal level.

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) targeted low income/minority students for experimentation with Skinnerian (of or relating to the behavioristic theories and methods of psychologist B.F. Skinner) "basic skills" programs: i.e. Follow Through (mastery learning/direct instruction), Right-to-Read, Exemplary Center for Reading Instruction (ECRI), Project INSTRUCT, etc. By the end of the 1980s State departments of education would be receiving 60-75% of their operating budget from the U.S. Department of Education (which was not even in existence at the time ESEA was passed).

It is no secret that poor education (and behavior modification is far from being "education") leads to poverty, crime, drug abuse and other undesirable factors which adversely affect our social fiber. Drug use alone is costing billions of dollars and countless lives!

We cannot stand by idly while the very fabric of our society gets ripped to shreds. That is where you and Friends of Narconon come in. By getting the Narconon Truth About Drugs video program into schools we can properly educate our youth and save millions of lives.

Last year Friends of Narconon reached over 1.4 million students with the truth about drugs. However, with over 65 million school- aged kids in America alone, more help is needed. Time is of the essence: we need to reach these kids fast! So don't wait. SPONSOR A SCHOOL and help us rid our children of the mis-information and lies about drugs while educating them in the truth.

Help us change their minds and save their lives!


It only costs $200 to sponsor a school.
Each video can reach over 3000 students during its life (only 7 cents per student!).

Purchase your own DVD for $47.

Contact Donna Miller at Friends of Narconon.

CALL: 1-800-882-6862.

Robert Hernandez, CCDC*
President, Friends of Narconon, Intl.
*Certified Chemical Dependency Counselor

PS: If you'd like to sponsor a school, just click here (or copy and paste into your browser):

If you'd like to make a donation right now, click here (or copy and paste into your browser): http://friendsofnarconon.org/

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